Follow an inexperienced hiker through the woods.
-Updated about every fair weather Friday-

Friday, July 16, 2010

Broken Freedom

Hello, hello!

First off, last time I posted I was over at Mental Dent's watching Star Wars. I would like to take a few moments to say that during a short-lived, epic battle over a mini lightsaber, my nose violently collided with MD's skull. Needless to say, my nose still hurts and there is a high possibility of the bridge being fractured (I bet MD feels great right now). However, since it looks fine, I have decided not to go to the doctor; they would really just tape it and tell me to be careful anyways.

Second up on the news reel, my second job ended today! Hopefully this means that a lot more time will be spent in the great outdoors! I already have plans to go up to Crane Mountain on the 27th with Robinson, a friend from high school :) and I am pretty psyched to get back outside! Goodbye staring at a computer monitor all day, I'm gonna see trees again!!

Hopefully, I will get outside before that. But whatever happens, I'll keep you updated.

Oh! My parents gave me this binocular/camera doohickey a while back. So I'll be getting batteries for it (AAA batteries = annoying) and seeing how it works.

Has anyone used anything like this before? Is it worth the batteries, or is it just a good idea that doesn't effectively translate into commercial use?
Comment and check back!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Battles with Stars and China

It seems like there will be no outdoors adventures for Mental Dent and me this week. :-/ I'm actually with MD right now; she says she really wants to go on Adirondack adventures; but tonight we are actually having a movie marathon (yay Star Wars!!).

So, instead of doing something productive outside, we are staying home and melting our brains with television! Sounds like a great swap to me, haha. ;) But really, I think that Star Wars is decent enough, it's a rather intelligent series.

So, since I'm away from my battle station (aka: my computer) and I'm borrowing MD's, I am rather unprepared for a good post today. :-/ But I feel that that's OK, especially since I've technically posted twice this week. But sitting here justifying myself while splitting my attention between the TV and MD is getting kind of confusing. I'm not sure that this post will make much sense at all. :P

Oh, and just to make the matters worse, I'm eating Chinese takeout! Oh dear, I shouldn't even be posting this, I feel like such a bad influence right now.
So, I will run away from the computer so only one monitor is melting my brain out of my ears.

MD says that she want's to be a Jedi.

I must have gone back and edited grammar on this post a million times by now; boy, you can tell I was distracted and half asleep when I wrote it! ;)

Monday, July 5, 2010

Organization in Chaos

If you don't follow Sticks and Stitches, then you are unaware of my mind-blowing idea. Since this is a weekly post, I have decided to set a day for my posts (regardless of when my adventures happen to happen [haha, I love when the English language let's me do stuff like that]).

Since this blog is titled 'Finding Words for Life,' my weekly posts will be on Fridays. I know, I'm amazing and innovative. ;)

Now, since Saturday is a long way off, and my last post was on Monday, I'll give you a little something to run with.

Backpacker's August issue appeared in my mailbox late last week. :) In the Skills section it had a nifty little blurb about trail running. Now I know, the one thing everyone hates is staying in shape for something, (personally, I hate it; lifting is lame, and running on sidewalks is so not my forte). But trail running is something you can do on your own, no hiking buddy required, the scenery is generally great, and it keeps you in shape for hiking.

Now, of course there are suggested things, like getting trail-running shoes and heart rate monitors, but you can really just take to the dirt with whatever. Keep in mind that you are not running on pavement or a treadmill: you will move slower and will have to adjust your stride/footfall to the changing terrain. Like anything else, start it out slow and set easy goals until you get used to it.

Also, if you are setting out for a longer run (45+ min), you are going to want to take in 100 calories an hour. So, bring food (they suggest energy bars, but I tend to appreciate real food, even if I'm running) and water (yay for hydration)!

I'm not saying I'm an expert at trail running, by all means I'm not; I'm just passing on a few highlights of an article I enjoyed. There is definitely more information in there, so if you want me to relay any of it to you, just leave a comment for it! :D
Tune in on Friday!